[CentralOH] Pipeness _Within_ Python

Neil Ludban nludban at columbus.rr.com
Fri Aug 17 04:40:40 CEST 2012

On Thu, 16 Aug 2012 15:26:34 -0400
jep200404 at columbus.rr.com wrote:
> How would one do the following[1] entirely within Python[2]? 
>     python mogrify.py <(cat "$filename" \
>     | tee >(sha1sum >&3) >(wc -c >&4) /dev/null \
>     | gunzip | tee >(sha1sum >&5) >(wc -l -c >&6) /dev/null)
> [1] Calculate sha1sums and byte count of compressed and 
>     uncompressed file, reading file only once (without using 
>     temporary files and without saving file in memory).

$ cat moogrify.py | gzip > moogrify.py.gz

$ ls -l moogrify.py*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 neil  wheel  1116 Aug 16 22:19 moogrify.py*
-rw-r--r--  1 neil  wheel   435 Aug 16 22:22 moogrify.py.gz

$ wc -l moogrify.py
      50 moogrify.py

$ sha1 moogrify.py moogrify.py.gz 
SHA1 (moogrify.py) = f8abef74e7d7de1592ea9ba888886e21befa762f
SHA1 (moogrify.py.gz) = b6e747168a6725c55b9e5abbe58d5fcb845df9e6

$ ./moogrify.py < moogrify.py.gz
Input: nBytes=435 sha1sum=aa92f0df4752c4ab2a61a1e54fa7fb3c6ff0d961
Output: nBytes=1116 nLines=50 sha1sum=f8abef74e7d7de1592ea9ba888886e21befa762f

Note the Input has wrong byte count and sha1sum, probably because the
gzip library is pre-reading the file header to determine the format.
Correctly supporting tell() and seek() on class ShaInputFile is left
as an exercise for the reader...


import gzip
import hashlib
import shutil
import sys

class ShaInputFile(object):

    def __init__(self, fin=None):
        self._fin = fin
        self._sha = hashlib.sha1()
        self.tell = self._fin.tell
        self.seek = self._fin.seek

    def read(self, *nbytes):
        buf = self._fin.read(*nbytes)
        if buf:
        return buf

    def done(self):
        print 'Input: nBytes=%i sha1sum=%s' % (
            self._fin.tell(), self._sha.hexdigest() )

class ShaOutputFile(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self._sha = hashlib.sha1()
        self._nbytes = 0
        self._nlines = 0

    def write(self, buf):
        self._nbytes += len(buf)
        self._nlines += buf.count('\n')

    def done(self):
        print 'Output: nBytes=%i nLines=%i sha1sum=%s' % (
            self._nbytes, self._nlines, self._sha.hexdigest() )

infile = ShaInputFile(sys.stdin)
xfile = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=infile)
outfile = ShaOutputFile()
shutil.copyfileobj(xfile, outfile)



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