[CentralOH] 2012-04-30: tmux lag

Michael Yanovich yanovich.1 at osu.edu
Tue May 8 06:11:48 CEST 2012

In these cases, I've heard someone mention that you should be able to
kill the tmux window. Someone else did this for me once, but the window
within tmux itself became unresponsive, where even ^C wasn't working. So
this might be a bit too extreme.

kill-window [-t target-window]
           (alias: killw)
         Kill the current window or the window at target-window,
removing it from any sessions to which it is linked.

On 05/08/2012 12:07 AM, jep200404 at columbus.rr.com wrote:
> On Tue, 1 May 2012 11:57:17 -0400, jep200404 at columbus.rr.com wrote:
>> tmux
>>    lag in responding to chars (e.g., ^C) from clients
> For example, execute the following in screen or tmux, 
> then try to stop the scrolling with ^S or ^C. 
>    find / 2>&1
> Both screen and tmux can have trouble stopping in a timely 
> manner, but tmux can be so unresponsive as to be unusable. 
> When screen is slow to respond, tricks such as switching to a 
> different window, or resizing the window, or minimizing the 
> GUI window can help. Those workarounds have not worked with 
> tmux. 
> What workarounds do you know of to get tmux to respond to input? 
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Michael Yanovich

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