[CentralOH] Retrospective Log Analyzer – 10 free licences for your JUG

Michael Yanovich yanovich.1 at osu.edu
Thu Oct 18 17:27:15 CEST 2012

Did this arrive in anyone else's spam box?

Though it is a bit suspicious to use lots of bitly's if this isn't
really spam. Though the bitly's do go to what appears to be their
website and the "cartoon" link does go to youtube.

Though last I checked, we aren't a JUG, but a PUG.

Oh well.

On 10/18/2012 08:58 AM, Centeractive AG wrote:
> Hi,
> We are a Swiss software company called centeractive ag and as part of our
> marketing campaign we have decided to offer your JUG 10 free Retrospective
> Log Analyzer licences (worth 58$ each), which is a new tool we have
> recently developed.
> To get your free licence you need to register at:
> http://community.centeractive.net quoting the following code: US_PYT_8839
> Then you can go directly to the download site: www.retrospective.ch
> We are sure you will enjoy the following cartoon that gives a brief
> explanation of the key features of Retrospective: http://bit.ly/OWBqY0
> Some interesting features that are unique to Retrospective are:
> - search / tail (monitoring) of  logs on Linux hosts over SSH and on local
> disks
> - log entries split
> - column-split, log4j support
> - date auto-parsing in logs, support for 90% popular formats (search in
> logs considering date of entry)
> - filters (contains, date, etc.)
> The licences are absolutely free with no conditions attached and no
> trickery involved. The only thing we would be grateful for would be if you
> could provide feedback about the product with one of the following methods:
> - Posts on our forum: http://bit.ly/Sr89v3
> - Short blog entries (please inform us at community at centeractive.com so we
> can link it to our website)
> - Tweets on Twitter (@centeractive_ag)
> Our company is “community & user-friendly” and we would appreciate
> proposals concerning any improvement on new features. Any serious
> advice/comments will be considered when we prepare the next version. We
> publish a new version approximately once a month so for us it’s very
> important that we receive a valuable feedback from our future users.
> Our roadmap includes:
> - SSH keys support
> - database search / tail support (table, view, query)
> - windows host search / tail support
> - hierarchical search
> - command-line tool
> Our agenda is full till at least March 2013. In addition we would like to
> provide every speaker of your JUG with a free licence. If you are
> interested in this special offer, please contact us at
> orders at centeractive.com
> Regards,
> centeractive ag team
> P.S. Here is the link to the documentation and the screencasts:
> http://bit.ly/QtYrlh
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Michael Yanovich

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