[CentralOH] 2012-09-24

jep200404 at columbus.rr.com jep200404 at columbus.rr.com
Tue Sep 25 18:07:55 CEST 2012

netbeans has gotten better over years (from Oracle)
columbuscodecamp maybe "sold out" _during_ the meeting (go anyway)
pyohio videos on youtube (but not pyvideo) nextdayvideo transcoding problems?
   ogv not available yet
Win8 on ARM boot only usoft signed
Beware of (U)EFI
(U)EFI and Linux: the future is here, and it's awful - Matthew Garrett

Hardware makers who choose the optional Microsoft Certification
are required to implement UEFI secure boot. Microsoft also
requires that manufacturers offer the ability to turn off the
secure boot feature on x86 hardware,[83] but they must not offer
such an option on ARM hardware. No mandate is made regarding the
installation of third-party certificates that would enable
running alternative software.

Python for Data Analysis Wes McKinney
Raspberry Pi python friendly
Pycon Montreal venue close to culture
   taxi drivers 8° drifts on turns
Allen B Downey Franklin W Olin College of Engineering
   How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
   Think Complexity: Complexity Science and Computational ...
SciPy and NumPy by Eli Bressert
Coding Horror: The Book
"The Signal and the Noise" Nate Silver Mr. fivethirtyeight.com
It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future. Yogi Berra
like Gleick's Chaos
tablib csv xml
screen scraping; parsing HTML (including bad HTML)
   beautiful soup <3.6 good, then bad, maybe >=4 ok
   lxml is better than beautiful soup
   Screen Scraping with BeautifulSoup and lxml
      Other Brandon appreciated "From the Future" bits
phantom.js html parser
ssh.pi pythonic way of calling shell commands as functions
pdf generation
   report lab is great; great for greenfield, not good for old pdfs
      high level
      low level close to post script
      has some stuff done in C
      plus version $
   pypdf (pure python?) understands pdf pages can superimpose pages
      contract pdf + signature superimposed
combine report lab and pypdf.
   report lab to generate pdf from scratch
   pypdf to pick and choose pages and overlay form data
pdfrw (+ report lab) Mark Erbaugh?
Tobias Buckell
   Crystal Rain
   lulu.com - hard back book $20
webkit Brandon Lorenz
resume durability
automated rendering of fetched web pages
Jonathan Hogue's COLUG presentation getting manipulating and parsing web pages
curl, http_proxy lynx perl proxy selenium wget
pycon registration open (2k or 2.5k limit?)
petit graphing logs (Raymond? Jason?)
Bryan Harris flexing parts _big_ honking servos
Close Calls http://rhodesmill.org/history/close_calls.html
   bad rudder mechanism
   In the Air Force during World War II, more people were killed in training
   than were killed in combat.
No Highway in the Sky Jimmy Stewart 1951; tails fall off
TI-84+ has Z80 inside
HP-11C thrift store $0.25?
python on calculators
manning ???
Free Internet Chess Server (FICS)
5 minute out of time, other player does not have enough pieces to win: draw
chinese ages; babies are one year old at birth (life starts at conception)
   everybody's age++ on lunar new year day (not on birthday)
paleo metabolic: eat fats and protein, few sugars (simple and complex)
grain peru quinoa (keen wah) proteins
wheat gluten makes bread _wonderful_
butter makes everything good
Julie & Julia
Mastering the Art of French Cooking
"fat loading" versus "carbohydrate loading"
natural trans fats from meat and milk of ruminants
Glycemic index
   _some_ rices (such as Jasmine rice) have glycemic index higher
   than glucose
amylose versus amylopectin
Korean/Japanese rice
   흰쌀 (basic white rice (sticky by American standards))
   찹쌀/もち米 (super sticky "sweet" rice)
Sona Masuri https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Sona_Masuri
starch is just sugar on a string
I want to buy a cow. Frisian and Old English
Mr. Zimmerman; tie shoes
grails: g is silent :-) (python connection via Monty?)
xylo (ξύλον) is wood

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