[CentralOH] Speak at PyOhio!

PyOhio 2014 info at pyohio.org
Tue Apr 15 16:59:39 CEST 2014

An email from PyOhio 2014.

View this email in your browser (http://us3.campaign-archive1.com/?u=8c9245b985e483ce2777296fb&id=fdbc3faccb&e=c26f2dea68)

** Speak at PyOhio!
What we're looking for:

* Arduino (with Python) --- *(other embedded devices welcome)
* Baking (with Python)
* Computer Vision (with Python)
* Driving (with Python)
* Eating (with Python) --- *(hopefully not while you're driving)
* First time speakers (speaking about Python)
* Gardening (with Python)
* HipHop (with Python)
* Internet of Things (with Python)
* (your) Journey (with Python)
* Kids (and Python)
* Learning (with Python)
* Making Things (with Python) --- *or Moöses
* Nature (and Python)
* Operations (with Python)
* Promoting (Python)
* Querying (with Python)
* Robotics (with Python)
* Start Ups (with Python)
* Testing (with Python)
* Umlauts (and Python)
* Video Games (with Python)
* Web Development (with Python)
* (solve for) X (with Python)
* You (and Python)
* Zoos (and Python) -- *or Python's in Zoos (with Python)

And about a thousand other topics too...

Come Speak (about Moösen) (http://pyohio.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=8c9245b985e483ce2777296fb&id=47a7ec9137&e=c26f2dea68)

Talk Submissions are closing on May 15th. That is less than a month away!
(Is it Moöses or Moösen? Or Moös? Wait. Should the umlaut even be in there?)
(A message from your friends at PyOhio)

(We apologize for the mention about the Moose as it actually has very little to do with Python, and does not accurately reflect the views and opinions of the PyOhio 2014 board. The writer of this email campaign has been sacked and has been replaced by a pack of rapid Hyenas.)

Halsksöödakashdkö (http://pyohio.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=8c9245b985e483ce2777296fb&id=b9192a5c8a&e=c26f2dea68)

(Sorry, again. It turns out, rapid Hyenas just laugh and write gibberish. The Hyenas have since been sacked and we've rehired our original creative talent.)

>>> Speak at PyOhio! <<< (http://pyohio.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=8c9245b985e483ce2777296fb&id=d0d32bfea1&e=c26f2dea68)
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http://us3.forward-to-friend.com/forward?u=8c9245b985e483ce2777296fb&id=fdbc3faccb&e=c26f2dea68 Forward to Friend (http://us3.forward-to-friend.com/forward?u=8c9245b985e483ce2777296fb&id=fdbc3faccb&e=c26f2dea68)

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 You are receiving this email because you either attended PyOhio in the past or have signed up for our newsletter.

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