[CentralOH] 2014-09-26 道場 Scribbles 落書/惡文?
jep200404 at columbus.rr.com
jep200404 at columbus.rr.com
Sat Sep 27 14:16:09 CEST 2014
wp: prefix means wikipedia
1 Tishrei 5775 begins soon (when this was written, not as when posted)
wp:Rosh Hashanah
ifconfig | grep 'inet ' ;python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
Anything over iron is heavy.
Did colaborative[1] Ipython Notebook over local Wifi.
Failed to retrieve MathJax from 'https://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js'
One of the colaborators did things, like
!ls /
!ls -l /
That success was scary, creepy. Hmmm, how does one share Ipython Notebook
without such huge security concerns?
Also, we found out that Ipython Notebook is not so colaborative. When multiple
people were editing the same notebook, it seemed that the last one to save, is
the one that wins. Then we found "The IPython Notebook is currently a single
user web application." from the following link.
Are you a strange loop?
SQL Server
can administer it from its GUI tool
19:38 It's dark.
2 ** 32
One person was trying to use SQL Server from Python on a MS Windows computer
using the adodbapi library. That person is new to Python, and was trying to do
everything in Python 3.
http://adodbapi.sourceforge.net/ says in part
Python 2.5 or higher (with no mention of Python 3)
so try Python 2 (not Python 3)
Unfortunately, much Python in the real world has to be done in Python 2,
because some library that one needs has not been ported to Python 3. Of course,
after this person gets their program working under Python 2, they could port
the library to Python 3 and be a superhero.
adodbapi is not even on the http://python3wos.appspot.com/ list.
That person was doing raw SQL, which led to the following comment by several:
ORMs are way cool
cx oracle
folks like postgresql
Santiago Chile has very good seafood
113.5 of 114 miles Yellow Springs and back on $250 seat. Butt not sore.
One person had Escher's House of Stairs on their computer, which led to GEB[2],
which that person has, but maybe has not finished.
Uranium nuclei are oblong
gold and lead nuclei are round
Is there a correlation between nuclei oblongness and fissionability?
UltraEdit is the supreme ultimate editor for MS Windows.
has full Perl library for regex
now available for Mac and Linux
Microsoft had Xenix
Zombies are popular. They like fish sticks.
[1] The spelling of collaborative has been changed to accomodate an unnamed
beverage sponsor.
[2] wp:Gödel, Escher, Bach
This book just keeps coming up, recursively.
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