[CentralOH] Summarizing Data From Excel Spreadsheet

pybokeh pybokeh at gmail.com
Thu Nov 5 17:27:31 EST 2015

Hmm, I wouldn't reply anymore on this topic.  I got a reply from David
which implies he is actually looking for someone to do this for him or his
company.  Very disappointed by this since I thought he was someone that was
interesting in learning Python.
On Nov 5, 2015 2:36 PM, "Bryan Harris" <brywilharris at gmail.com> wrote:

> If you want to read an excel file xlrd is a nice small library to do that
> in python.  I have done some of what you describe in a program I wrote
> called Reduce.  (It can be thought of as a working example, not really a
> library.)  It's smart enough to recognize what kind of delimited file
> you're looking at using the csv library and some counting of characters to
> identify the delimiter.
> Bryan Harris, PE
> Research Engineer
> Structures and Materials Evaluation Group
> University of Dayton Research Institute
> bryan.harris at udri.udayton.edu
> http://www.udri.udayton.edu/
> (937) 229-5561
> On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 7:46 PM, pybokeh <pybokeh at gmail.com> wrote:
>> If you don't mind using something that is outside your standard Python
>> distribution, I would recommend the pandas library as Jim suggested.  I
>> made a cheat sheet for it that you may like:
>> http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/pybokeh/jupyter_notebooks/blob/master/pandas/PandasCheatSheet.ipynb
>> Regards,
>> Daniel
>> On Nov 3, 2015 7:39 PM, <jep200404 at columbus.rr.com> wrote:
>>> David commented[1]:
>>> > I'm looking for a program that will ...
>>> I don't know if a program that does everything you want
>>> already exists. One can make a Python program to do it.
>>> > ... take a csv or Excel file ...
>>> Python's csv module groks csv files and
>>> csv-ish Excel files with aplomb.
>>> > ... and profile the data in it:
>>> > # of rows, ...
>>> easy
>>> > ... list of column names, ...
>>> easy _if_ always done the same way
>>> > ... worksheet tab (if Excel), ...
>>> I don't know what that is.
>>> > ... max and min in a column, ...
>>> easy
>>> might also play with pandas library
>>> > ... whether a column has all unique values ...
>>> easy with sets and len()
>>> > ... or a histogram of the values (value and count) when there
>>> > are less than <x> unique values (parameter input into program), ...
>>> not hard if you want text histogram
>>> something ala sort | uniq -c | sort -n can be done in Python
>>> if you need graphics histogram,
>>> matplotlib and maybe ipython notebook/jupyter
>>> > whether a column is all numeric, all alpha or alpha numeric,
>>> > if numeric then average and median values.
>>> not hard
>>> > Thanks! If this isn't the right forum, I apologize in advance.
>>> The meetup web page and meetup mailing list are mediocre
>>> for technical discussions. Good forums for technical discussions are:
>>>     The weekly Python lunches.
>>>     The weekly dojos.
>>>     COhPy's mailing list[3]
>>>         (distinctly different from the meetup mailing list)
>>>     cohpy monthly meetings and after meetings
>>>     Also, Stauf's Coffee Roasters in Grandview around 8:30 to 9:15[2]
>>>     esp. weekdays
>>>     Also visit cohpy.org.
>>>     Someone might need to let David know that there is a response
>>>     on cohpy's mailing list to his meetup comment.
>>> [1]
>>> http://www.meetup.com/Central-Ohio-Python-Users-Group/events/226471478/
>>> [2] Stauf's Coffee Roasters 1277 Grandview Ave
>>>     http://lists.colug.net/pipermail/colug-432/2015-February/003564.html
>>>     http://lists.colug.net/pipermail/colug-432/2015-May/003814.html
>>>     You never know who is going to show up.
>>>     Doughnuts from DK Diner and
>>>     anything from Thurn's are great lubrication for discussion.
>>> [3] cohpy's (technical) mailing list
>>>     https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/centraloh
>>>     To get good answers, consider following the advice in the links
>>> below.
>>>     http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
>>> http://web.archive.org/web/20090627155454/www.greenend.org.uk/rjk/2000/06/14/quoting.html
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