[CentralOH] QML / Qt versus (Angularjs, Electron, ....)

James Bonanno james at atlantixeng.com
Sun Aug 7 16:51:55 EDT 2016

Over the years development of GUI's with Pyside has been my approach, 
but over the last several months have been developing with QML. This is 
because I've found QML to be very powerful. Additionally, PyQt5 supports 
QML nicely.

I've investigated angularjs, emberjs, backbone, and on and on. I find 
angularjs to be rather clever, but to me the whole thing breaks on a 
fundamental paradigm of how to cleanly design the UI from a programmer's 

In contrast, having the qtdesigner in the past enabled a programmer to 
design very nice look GUI's. Today, QtQuick allows that now with QML, 
and even writing the complete description from scratch in QML is pretty 

The one thing I like about QML is the ability to add javascript to 
presentation layer controls; in the past, I've written Python classes 
with decorators to handle all the presentation layer. Effectively, I can 
allocate this layer to javascript within the QML. Additionally, these 
days, you can write your backend for a QML app in either Python or 
Golang if you so choose, and that is a nice touch, in addition to C++.


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