[CentralOH] 2016-07-08 道場 Scribbles 落書/惡文? input() from io.StringIO() csv try/except EAFP LBYL regexes xterm links scarf mitigation java ee rice libreoffice defect rate machine learning identity warranty stickers eye tracking breaking nested loops books buildozer kivy sed & awk iter(partial(input, prompt), 'quit') bash in ms windows ! in.format() loop unrolling parade

jep200404 at columbus.rr.com jep200404 at columbus.rr.com
Sat Jul 9 22:07:50 EDT 2016

First a question for you:

    How to make input() get its input from a file-like object
    like io.StringIO(data)?

After you think about that, there is more meat than usual.

someone needed to read in comma separated values
and automatically convert the values to types.
The initial attempt was based on regexes, but that was too difficult.
Using the csv module in combination with try/except clauses 
was an easy solution.


That person should go ahead and figure out how to do it with regexes,
to understand what the limits of what is reasonable to do with regexes.

Regexes are stupifyingly powerful for some things
and terribly awkward and painful for other things.

With experience one gets a feel for which things regexes are good, 
and for which things they are bad.

Travis Risner's presentation about regexes touched on this.
For validating dates in YYYY?MM?DD format, he recommended a hybrid approach.
That used regexes for what they were good at
and implied other validation for what regexes are not good at.
He used regexes to validate and parse the basic YYYY?MM?DD format of dates.
but did not try to use it for complete validation of dates.
For example, for '2015-02-29', would pass his regex
and parse it into year=2015, month=2, day=29.
Separate validation would be required to determine
that year=2015, month=2, day=29 is not a valid day.


30 days in a terminal: Day 10 — The experiment is over

Who needs a GUI? How to live in a Linux terminal.

wp: prefix means Wikipedia
To get good answers, consider following the advice in the links below.

By the way, viewing http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/* pages with links works.

Delhi Boy's 'Paparazzi-Proof' Scarf Is Hollywood's New Invisibility Cloak - And It Works Like Magic

    What workarounds can you think of?

        Manually set exposure for desired subject,
        to avoid being fooled by reflection.

            Could a smart camera have a mode to avoid being fooled by bright

        Separate the flash from the camera by at least several feet.
        Scarf would reflect light back to flash, but not camera.

            Could mount the flash on a long pole that camera is fastened to.

            Could have somebody else hold flash.

            Could have flash triggered by radio to avoid wires.

        Use no flash at all. This would require long exposure times.

Bewitched Bothered and Bewildered

compare with Python:

    Java's creator and the Java EE Guardians group believe Oracle has all but abandoned the language
    Java EE devotees plot to seize control from Oracle
    How Oracle’s business as usual is threatening to kill Java
    Oracle's silence about Java EE has brought developer community distrust to a fever pitch.

LED bulb E26, globe copper color

see also:

A good incandescent light bulb has 17 lumens / Watt.
The LED light bulb above has only 11 lumens / Watt.


open source food:

    Puffed Rice Cookies (peanut butter kind)
        1 cup (269g) light corn syrup
        1 cup (192g) sugar
        1 cup (204g) peanut butter (TJ's creamy unsalted peanut butter)
        6 cups (177g) puffed rice (compare to Rice Krispies)

    This stuff is sticky, so non-stick everything helps much.
    Taring the pot(s), then adding incredients by weight to pot on scale
    avoids getting measuring cups messy.

    Gently heat corn syrup and completely dissolve sugar in the corn syrup.
    Avoid boiling.
    Add in peanut butter and mix well.
    Gently heat to just beginning to boil.
    Add puffed rice and mix.

    Spread evenly on non-stick baking sheet with a non-stick spatula.
        work quickly: as it cools, it becomes hard to work.

    Wrap with plastic wrap and put in refrigerator to cool.
    After several hours of cooling, it becomes brittle.
    Take baking sheet of one big cookie out of refrigerator
    (still wrapped in plastic wrap).
    Flex baking sheet to get big cookie to separate from sheet.
    Whack the cookie (not the baking sheet) with the handle of a table knife
    to shatter the one big cookie into pieces.
    (the plastic wrap contains the little crumbs)

    Unwrap and put pieces on serving plate.
    The cookies are hygroscropic.
    Also, moist air will condense on cold cookies.
    To reduce absorption of water, rewrap with plastic wrap until serving.

    After wrapping the serving plate,
    Consolidate the crumbs left on the baking sheet for immediate "testing".

LibreOffice's superlow defect rate puts proprietary software to shame
The Windows Zealot

Geek Guide: Machine Learning with Python

Identity stuff

NSA classifies Linux Journal readers, Tor and Tails Linux users as "extremists"

wp:Elie Wiesel

How Sony, Microsoft, and Other Gadget Makers Violate Federal Warranty


    What languages and environments do they teach?

Facebook: Tracking Your Web Activity Even After You Log Out?

    Is facebook slacking by not using the following from your camera?
    wp:Eye tracking

Breaking out of nested loops revisited yet again:
(it will hurt your head)

    inspired by:

It is very Pythonic to try something and if it blows up,
do something else.

    EAFP versus LBYL


    Compare EAFP versus LBYL for the following.
    wp:Time of check to time of use#Preventing TOCTTOU

        if mkdir lock_directory; then
            echo do something

Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!

wp:The C Programming Language

    The first edition (aka old testament) was easier to read,
    but since it does not cover ANSI C, it is not recommended anymore.
    Kernighan & Ritchie did a superb job of writing.
    It is one of my benchmarks of good technical writing.

    The second edition (aka new testament) covers ANSI C,
    so it is what one should read.

wp:Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment
wp:W. Richard Stevens

    Stevens wrote unusually well.
    His writing was accurate, unambiguous, and comprehensive.
    It is not light fluffy reading.

wp:The Art of Computer Programming
This is hard core.

wp:The Unix Programming Environment

    More good writing that is easy to read.
    Some programs it mentions are no longer relevant,
    but the ideas (the Unix philosophy) endures.
    Still worth reading in spite of bit rot.

have not read and do not have an opinion about
The Linux Command Line
A Book By William Shotts

I coulda been a contender
a star is born

Bill Dozer

wp:Nobody's Fool (1994 film)

wp:True Detective (disambiguation)
wp:Mulholland Drive (film)
wp:Lost Highway (film)
wp:Wild at Heart (film)
wp:Laura Dern
wp:Bruce Dern
    wp:Nashville (film)
    wp:The Great Gatsby (1974 film)
        wp:Robert Redford
            wp:Jeremiah Johnson (film)
wp:Blue Velvet (film)
    wp:Angelo Badalamenti
wp:Touch of Evil
wp:The Third Man
wp:The Third Man Theme
    wp:Lisa Gerrard
    wp:Jaron Lanier
        wp:VPL Research
        wp:Oculus Rift

Mastering Regular Expressions by Jeffrey Friedl
is the definitive book for regular expressions

sed & awk

for s in iter(partial(input, prompt), 'quit')


Have they actually done this or are they just yammering about it?

.format !

def format_date(date):
    return '{0.year}/{0.month}/{0.day}'.format(date)

    (from cell #53 of http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/url/colug.net/python/all-ipython-notebooks/dojo-20160429-2016-Mar-COhPy_Challenge_Rough-20160625-1612.ipynb)

wp:Lemba people
wp:Y-chromosomal Aaron

wp:Romani people
wp:History of the Romani people#Genetic evidence

wp:Wallis Simpson

Fumbling toward faster fibonacci generator:


There was a parade that went by the dojo.
Video will be at colug.net/python/dojo/20160708/parade.mp4

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