[CentralOH] 2016-10-24 會議 Scribbles 落書/惡文?: mole; challenges and talks; factory boy; model mommy; tensorflow sympy nltk dc3 crashes merge purge normalize fluffy cat

jep200404 at columbus.rr.com jep200404 at columbus.rr.com
Wed Oct 26 17:34:21 EDT 2016

Thanks to Pillar and Paul Schwendenman for hosting us.
There was plenty of food and drink for all.

Monthly meeting at Pillar's Forge

23 folks, probably more

ran video stuff without any trouble.

Next monthly meeting is a social one, December 5 at Barley's.
December 14th is Tech Columbus party! at CD102?

Challenges or talks
    web server & API
    e.g., django web servers
    add API
    have web servers talk to each other with API
    using jupyter for data analysis
    make code that work on both Python 2 & Python 3
        informal survey of which version of Python folks are writing code for
        overwhelminging, most was done in 3
        machine learning, neural network from google
    SymPy is cool algebraic manipulation
        analyzing aircraft crash data
            type of aircraft type (e.g., piston versus jet) and
            aircraft family (e.g., twelve versions of C130)
        spot duplicate addresses in mailing list
            merge purge

brian costlow gave presentation on testing factory stuff
part 1

factory boy (port of ruby library: factory girl)
easier to test models
originally aimed at django

model mommy

Fluffy Cat
Conditioning shampoo for cats
Dog Bright
Tooth whitener for dogs

sublime editor on a mac
    likes gui

sublime -> atom

A reminder of how dumb we are:
wp:Solvay Conference


Mole Day Python Lunch at El Vacquero

five folks

There was confusion about what a mole is.
I was told that I am about 1e4 moles of atoms.

    mole at elvacquero:~$ python3
    Python 3.4.3 (default, Sep 14 2016, 12:46:27) 
    [GCC 4.8.4] on linux
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> 6e27/6.022140857e23

How many moles of molecules were in the quacamole?

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