[CentralOH] Interactive Brokers are running a webinar on their new Python API

R P Herrold herrold at owlriver.com
Thu Mar 30 12:04:37 EDT 2017

IB are running a free (Webex delivered) webinar on the new 
python API 18th April 12:00 EST if any one is interested

You can sign up via the IB site API tab 

Note that an interested participant would need to select the 
API tab, as there is not a direct link

Duration: 	1 hour 30 minutes	Description: 	

1) Capabilities and requirements of the TWS API

2) API architecture and general programming considerations

3) Basic flow of an API program as demonstrated by the IB 
sample Program.py

4) Current API reference guide documenting API Latest (v973)

5) Demonstration of common API tasks in Python - receiving 
market data, performing Financial Advisor specific operations


The mentioned Python code is at:

but the full git repository is under a request by IB as to 
general access, where one needs to request such (and it is 
freely given)  As one can see the code is NOT FOSS, but rather 
under different licensing terms

-- Russ herrold

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