[CentralOH] [CoPhy] March 2018 Monthly Meeting

Damien Calloway damiencalloway at gmail.com
Thu Mar 29 18:55:06 EDT 2018

PyOh March 2018

Great turnout, 77 people rsvp,d at least 40 came. Out of one case of pizza,
one slice was left

Two of the new people :

Eric - Quant from Boston

Trey - IoT, Python

PyOhio is July 29-30 2018  @ the OHio Union. Looking for speakers and

PyCon is in Cleveland in May - is not free like PyOhio

Guy Royce will speak about machine learning in April meeting 4-30-2018

Harry Linder spoke about how to create your own custom search engine

We actually experimented with recording, looking for a spare camera for
video recording

This is up on GitHub - but where ?

Lean into your edge - make connections

Why build your own search engine ? Results are often inaccurate, incomplete
also, there is a serious search bubble effect (unless you use Duck Duck Go)

Surveys only get a small response, so each respondent has an outsized

Start with accurate information

Python - of course !

Flask - web framework

Whoosh - search

Scrappy + Portia - web scrapers

Frames are very difficult- especially if they load things that do not
refresh the page.

Also used :

Virtualenv - package management

GitHub - store and share your code. And use for deployment

Heroku - better than AWS for this purpose

Cloud 9 -  bought by AWS.

Google errors-  See project notes - Harry found AWS to be error prone

Stackoverflow -

Panic - not really

Result : https://stormy-lowlands-80953.herokuapp.com

Shout out to Lynda.com for the Flask tutorial

! Consider storing the code with the web site that you scrape

Whoosh can index things without a dB

. Beautiful Soup

Travis spoke about pipenv - very good for package and dependency management
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