[CentralOH] Fwd: Flashcards in Django, Persistent Auth in CLIs, Replace These Libraries, and More

Shelby snelzing at fastmail.com
Tue Jul 26 16:12:31 EDT 2022

I get this newsletter, and I figured I would share. There are some great projects here!

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From: PyCoder's Weekly <admin at pycoders.com>
To: snelzing at fastmail.com
Subject: Flashcards in Django, Persistent Auth in CLIs, Replace These Libraries, and More
Date: Tuesday, July 26, 2022 4:01 PM

Build a Flashcards App With Django 
#535 – JULY 26, 2022
VIEW IN BROWSER <https://pycoders.com/issues/535>
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Build a Flashcards App With Django <https://pycoders.com/link/9168/d0x43eitah>
Create your own flashcards app to help you to learn a new language. In this step-by-step project, you’ll replicate a spaced repetition system with the Django web framework. If you want to learn a new topic while sharpening your Django and Python skills, this tutorial is the perfect match for you!
REAL PYTHON <https://pycoders.com/link/9168/d0x43eitah> 

Building a Persistently Authenticated Python CLI <https://pycoders.com/link/9174/d0x43eitah>
When building a command line program that authenticates to a service, you may not want the user to have to enter their password every single time. This article shows you how to manage authentication tokens to make you user’s life easier. The Twitter API is used as the example data source.
CHRISTOPHER FLEETWOOD <https://pycoders.com/link/9174/d0x43eitah> 

Generating Fake Security Data With Python and Faker-Security <https://pycoders.com/link/9166/d0x43eitah>
 <https://pycoders.com/link/9166/d0x43eitah> Snyk recently open sourced the faker-security Python package to help anyone working with security data. Learn more about what a Python package is and how to use it in combination with factory_boy to generate fake security data → <https://pycoders.com/link/9166/d0x43eitah>
SNYK.IO <https://pycoders.com/link/9166/d0x43eitah>sponsor 

Say Goodbye to These Obsolete Python Libraries <https://pycoders.com/link/9188/d0x43eitah>
It’s time to say goodbye to `os.path`, `random`, `pytz`, `namedtuple` and many more obsolete Python libraries. Start using the latest and greatest ones instead.
MARTIN HEINZ <https://pycoders.com/link/9188/d0x43eitah> • Shared by Martin Heinz <https://pycoders.com/link/9180/d0x43eitah> 

PEP 695: Type Parameter Syntax (Draft) <https://pycoders.com/link/9183/d0x43eitah>
This Python Enhancement Proposals (PEP) draft describes an improved syntax for specifying type parameters within a generic class, function, or type alias. For example: `class ClassA[T: str]:` It also introduces a new statement for declaring type aliases.
PYTHON.ORG <https://pycoders.com/link/9183/d0x43eitah> 

Django 4.1 Release Candidate 1 Available <https://pycoders.com/link/9184/d0x43eitah>
DJANGO SOFTWARE FOUNDATION <https://pycoders.com/link/9184/d0x43eitah> 


What Are Some Cool but Obscure Data Structures? <https://pycoders.com/link/9199/d0x43eitah>
HACKER NEWS <https://pycoders.com/link/9199/d0x43eitah> 

Is Having a Personal Blog/Brand Worth It for You? <https://pycoders.com/link/9198/d0x43eitah>
HACKER NEWS <https://pycoders.com/link/9198/d0x43eitah> 

Python Jobs

Backend Engineering Manager <https://pycoders.com/link/9175/d0x43eitah>
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ADDISON GROUP 📍 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK, USA <https://pycoders.com/link/9170/d0x43eitah>

More Python Jobs >>> <https://www.pythonjobshq.com/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_campaign=pycoders535&utm_medium=email>

Articles & Tutorials

`map()` vs `submit()` With the `ProcessPoolExecutor` in Python <https://pycoders.com/link/9171/d0x43eitah>
In this tutorial you will learn the difference between `map()` and `submit()` when executing tasks with the `ProcessPoolExecutor` in Python. You’ll see how to use `map()` to convert a `for`-loop into processes and when to replace it with `submit()` to gain more control.
JASON BROWNLEE <https://pycoders.com/link/9171/d0x43eitah> 

Meet the Python Steering Council <https://pycoders.com/link/9197/d0x43eitah>
Once Guido gave up his title of Benevolent Dictator for Life, a five-person team became responsible for steering the development of Python. Improvements are rarely straightforward, changes that help some may hurt others.
JOEL KHALILI <https://pycoders.com/link/9197/d0x43eitah> 

Pretty Maps in Python <https://pycoders.com/link/9186/d0x43eitah>
The `prettymaps` project allows you to create an aesthetically pleasing map image from real data. It does this in only 425 lines of Python through the use of 3rd party packages. Learn how to use it and how it works.
MARK LITWINTSCHIK <https://pycoders.com/link/9186/d0x43eitah> 

Typing Your Way Into Safety <https://pycoders.com/link/9194/d0x43eitah>
Type annotations help catch errors in your code. Their correct usage can even stop malicious use of your scripts. Learn how the `Literal` type can prevent users from sending values that could break your code.
ISRAËL HALLÉ <https://pycoders.com/link/9194/d0x43eitah> 

Using the Python `not` Operator <https://pycoders.com/link/9193/d0x43eitah>
In this course, you’ll learn how Python’s `not` operator works and how to use it in your code. You’ll get to know its features and see what kind of programming problems you can solve by using `not` in Python.
REAL PYTHON <https://pycoders.com/link/9193/d0x43eitah> course 

Technical Writing for Developers <https://pycoders.com/link/9169/d0x43eitah>
“The way we write about and around code is arguably as important as the code itself.” This article outlines how programming and writing come together to take your developer skills to the next level.
CSS-TRICKS.COM <https://pycoders.com/link/9169/d0x43eitah> 

Find Your Next Tech Job Through Hired <https://pycoders.com/link/9167/d0x43eitah>
Hired has 1000s of companies ranging from startups to Fortune 500s that are actively hiring developers, data scientists, mobile engineers, and more. Create a profile with your skills and preferences for hiring managers to reach you. Sign up today!
HIRED <https://pycoders.com/link/9167/d0x43eitah>sponsor 

Custom Python Dictionaries: Inheriting From `dict` vs `UserDict` <https://pycoders.com/link/9200/d0x43eitah>
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create custom dictionary-like classes in Python by inheriting from the built-in `dict` class or by subclassing `UserDict` from the collections module.
REAL PYTHON <https://pycoders.com/link/9200/d0x43eitah> 

To Ruby From Python <https://pycoders.com/link/9181/d0x43eitah>
Thinking of picking up another programming language? This quick list shows you what is similar and what is different between Ruby and Python.
RUBY-LANG.ORG <https://pycoders.com/link/9181/d0x43eitah> 

Projects & Code

Brought to you by *Real Python for Teams* <https://pycoders.com/link/9192/d0x43eitah>sponsor 
Online Python training created by a community of experts. Give your team the real-world Python skills they need to succeed → <https://pycoders.com/link/9192/d0x43eitah>

pywhen: Wrapper for date/time parsing <https://pycoders.com/link/9182/d0x43eitah>
GITHUB.COM/CLTRUDEAU <https://pycoders.com/link/9182/d0x43eitah> 

unzip-http: Get Files From `.zip` Without Downloading It All <https://pycoders.com/link/9172/d0x43eitah>
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cleanlab: AI Package for Cleaning Your ML Data <https://pycoders.com/link/9185/d0x43eitah>
GITHUB.COM/CLEANLAB <https://pycoders.com/link/9185/d0x43eitah> 

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jetfuel: Python Performance Profiling for Production <https://pycoders.com/link/9190/d0x43eitah>
GITHUB.COM/JETFUEL-DEV <https://pycoders.com/link/9190/d0x43eitah> 

📆🐍 Upcoming Python Events

PyKla Monthly Meetup <https://pycoders.com/link/9195/d0x43eitah>
July 27, 2022

Heidelberg Python Meetup <https://pycoders.com/link/9187/d0x43eitah>
July 27, 2022

Weekly Real Python Office Hours Q&A (Virtual) <https://pycoders.com/link/9177/d0x43eitah>
July 27, 2022

SPb Python Drinkup <https://pycoders.com/link/9191/d0x43eitah>
July 28, 2022

PyDelhi User Group Meetup <https://pycoders.com/link/9173/d0x43eitah>
July 30, 2022

PythOnRio Meetup <https://pycoders.com/link/9196/d0x43eitah>
July 30, 2022
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