[Chennaipy] November Meetup

Vijay Kumar vijaykumar at bravegnu.org
Tue Nov 25 05:06:15 CET 2014

There has been a recent surge in the mailing list membership. For the
benefit of the people who have joined recently, here is the meetup
info. If you are planning to attend, please RSVP on the meetup page

# November Meetup

## Date & Time

  * 29th November
  * 3:00pm to 5:30pm

## Venue

Classroom No 2,
Aerospace Engineering,
Near Gajendra Circle,
IIT Madras, Guindy,

Location map: http://bit.ly/iitm-aero

## Schedule

  * Introduction (15 min)
  * Talk: Introduction to Selenium (20 min)
  * Talk: A Gentle Introduction to Generators and Coroutines in Python (15 min)
  * Networking over Tea, sponsored by [Zilogic Systems](http://www.zilogic.com/) (15 min)
  * Talk: Getting started with SQLAlchemy (30 min)
  * Talk: Fun with Pandas (30 min)

## Details

### Introduction to Selenium
Speaker: Mayur Shah

Selenium is a portable software testing framework for web
applications. Selenium provides a record/playback tool for authoring
tests without learning a test scripting language. This talk will be an
introduction to Selenium and its usage in Test Automation.

### A Gentle Introduction to Generators and Coroutines in Python
Speaker: Kiran Gangadharan

Though a lot of people know Python, very few people actually
understand generators and coroutines enough to understand how awesome
they can be. This talk aims to provide a basic understanding of how
and when they can be used, and why they are an important utility in
your Python toolkit.

### Getting started with SQLAlchemy
Speaker: Shrayas Rajagopal

SQLAlchemy is a really quirky and awesome way to do ORMs in
python. And it has quite a learning curve at least at the initial
stages. Once you get to know the general idea of how things work, it
becomes pretty awesome. I've just started working with it and just
want to talk about some things that'll help with getting started with

### Fun with Pandas
Speaker: Sharmila Gopirajan

Pandas is Python's answer to R's Dataframes.  If that does not make
sense, not to worry. Just think of Excel's functions in Python, only
more versatile and able to handle much larger amounts of data. This
will be a gentle introduction to Pandas, following which, we will try
to apply the concepts to a Crunchbase's public dataset.


This time again we are planning to serve tea and snacks during the
meet. So please do [RSVP on our Meetup
page](http://www.meetup.com/Chennaipy/events/217328422/) That way, we
know how many people are coming and can arrange things accordingly.

## New to Python?

If you are new to Python, the tutorial at
will give you a quick overview of what Python is all about. 

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