[Chennaipy] help regarding time series analysis
Varun Tandon
mrvaruntandon at gmail.com
Thu Jun 14 00:21:27 EDT 2018
Dear All,
Greeting of the Day!
During the past few days, I started to learn about time series analysis and
specifically about the ARIMA model. I am using Statsmodels in python3.
I have obtained a dataset from https://archive.ics.uci.e
du/ml/datasets/SML2010 .
It contains a small time series with data for 15 days measured at frequency
of 15 min.
I have explored the dataset and have found 4 variables of interest and i
have run the Augmented Dickey Fuller test on each of these variables and,
from which i have inferred each of these variable is stationary,but some
variables have clear trends, so there are some contradictions. Please help
me understand the trend and seasonality in this dataset.
please go thru
https://stackoverflow.com/q/50841722/9937076 .
the graphs for one of the variable with there autocorrelation and partial
autocorrelation function with a confidence interval of 95% are uploaded to
stack overflow.
Please guide me further towards building a ARIMA model for these variables.
I would be grateful to any help you provide.
Thanking you!
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