[Chennaipy] Mutli- threading in cython

aishwarya selvaraj aishwaryaselvaraj1708 at gmail.com
Mon May 21 07:42:58 EDT 2018

Dear all,
I was programming for Andor CCD using SDK libraries in python using cython.
I have a piece of code within my .pyx script which does the function of
storing the data into a 3D array. While acquiring n frames, each of them is
stored in a 3D array named data, which later I would be displaying. But
this creates a bottleneck in my code.
Hence I need to introduce threading, such that for each frame to be stored
there are individual threads for the same and the frames could be displayed
simultaneously without creating a performance lag.
Since I have never worked on multithreading, could anyone please help me.
PFA of the code. (LiveAcquisition code)

Aishwarya Selvaraj
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