[Chennaipy] August-talk-2020-MoM.txt
Kushal Chand
kushalkataria5 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 22 08:24:21 EDT 2020
Thank you.
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1. Replacing MATLAB in Signal, Speech, Image and Video Processing.
Speaker: Dr. Senthilkumar R
Python can be used for signal processing, image and speech video processing.
Correlation algorithms were discussed.
Windowing techniques for filter design, FIR filters.
Usage of these modules matplotlib, numpy, scipy, pillow, opencv, installation process for modules.
Examples for image processing were depicted.
image processing with opencv was discussed
Video processing in opencv.
Various applications of image processing were discussed.
Many results were shown on image processing.
2. Discussing about a web project and the issue I am facing in it.
Speaker: Lt Col CR Sundar
He shared his experience on joining the group with almost no programming knowledge and
how he improved his knowledge from there for four years.
He faced issues hosting site which he had developed using Django ( a python framework)
so he decided to switch to PHP.
He developed a website for automation of a task for a factory.
His talk got disconnected when he was about to display his website and the issue he was facing.
3. Using Global variables in Flask.
Speaker: Rengaraj D
Developed a flask app to get ip address of client request and
restrict access if the same ip address requests within 60 seconds.
It basically rate limits the number of requests from a unique ip address.
He showed how to run flask app on a local host and how his application works.
He displayed how he is facing issues when he runs the application with three
different process running simultaneously as he is using a global variable to track the
time of request.
Solution proposed: Application or request context. Either use a db or keep track of the
session id.
4. Intro to Ray, a framework for distributed computing.
Speaker: Krishna Sangeeth
He gave a short intro about him, and explained the evolution of computers from Babbage's
machine to Super Computers.
Depicted hoo Moore's law curve is getting flattened for a while now.
Explained how Distributed computing is going to solve the computation power requirements which
we are lacking behind for a few years.
How RAY is going to help the issues associated with DS.
Demonstrated how ray will use driver and individual workers to compute data to solve problems
relate to distributed computing.
5. How I will be using ML in my Movie recommendation and social networking website.
Speaker: Sonam Pankaj
Explained about Classes of learning problems. She is using an unsupervised learning class.
explained about the K-means algorithm example for unsupervised learning. Showed how it can be
used to classify data
Explained about: EM ( expectation maximization) , 2 steps of EM explained. How dimensionality reduction works.
6. Floating Point Pitfalls
Speaker: Vijay Kumar
Displayed what happens when performing floating point arithmetic in python using two sample codes.
Showed how results are not as expected always when programming.
Spoke about Integer representation in binary.
How fractional value is represented in binary. Algorithm to convert decimal to
Finally talked on How to avoid floating point pitfalls by scaling decimal values, using decimal
class in python was discussed.
7. Three good reasons you should buy a ticket to PyCon India
Speaker: Abishek Mishra
He spoke about what happens at pycon India and what is going to happen in this years conference
which is going online. He showed how to buy a ticket to Pycon India. Also answered the doubts he received on chat.
8. Test-Driven Teaching (TDT) in Python
Speaker: Ashok Bakthavathsalam
Gave an introduction about himself. Provided the layout for TDD. How he uses cloud coder, cyber dojo
as an interface to teach students. Touched on the points why use TDT. Encourages us to join him
to solve existing problems and add new ones to his learning platform.
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