[Chennaipy] Rengaraj replied to your comment: "I am using MS power point for presentations. But Yesterday i noted that speakers were using some other tools for presentations. Could anyone give me the information about presentation tools and related tutorial links (how to use those tools) also?..."

Rengaraj D sakthirengaraj at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 22:51:49 EDT 2020

On Tue, 25 Aug 2020 at 23:07, Rajarathanam Senthilkumar <
rsenthil.optical at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Rengaraj & Karthick sir,
> I have written python porgrams in jupyter notebook and converted in
> asciidoc file.
> How to convert this file into html slides?
> I have installed in zdesk and asciidoc in linux but failed to convert in
> to html slides.
> The file and images- link provided here:

Way 1:

1. Exporting asciidoc format from jupyter and then using zdeck stylesheet
won't work properly.
Since zdeck has a different stylesheet.
2. The downloaded file from jupyter will have different rules which won't
match the zdeck style sheet.
3. You have to see the example given in the zdeck repo and then change your

Way 2:

1. Since you are using jupyter itself, you have the option to create slides.
2. In your notebook

   - go to view --> cell toolbar --> slideshow
   - you can choose slide, sub, slide etc at the top right corner of each
   - once you do this
   - go to command line run
>    jupyter  nbconvert  <filename>.ipynb  --to  slides

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