[Chennaipy] Meeting minutes of 6/27/2020 Chennai py
Ashok Govindarajan
gashok2 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 29 23:19:31 EDT 2020
Dear All,
I had provided 4 references during the lightning talk on June 27th meetup.
They are all available in Netflix and are named as 1. NOVA : Prediction by
the numbers. 2 The code (3 episodes).
I thought it maybe better to set the context as to why I suggested them.
The context is as follows: I find them interesting as I am able to relate
to Math related concepts better, after watching it.
For example, abstract concepts like Baye's theorem are used in finding
people who have lost their way in sea. (The name of the tool/software is
Like this there are also other references to fractals, prime numbers and
breeding cycles of an insect named cicada
etc connecting the mathematical world to real-life happenings.
Hence, I thought I would share this, so that one would get a certain
perspective of math, even though it may be hard to understand the
underlying equations.
Rgds, Ashok
On Sat, Jun 27, 2020 at 9:20 PM Pradeep Padmanaban <
pradeeppadmanaban7 at gmail.com> wrote:
> *Role of Python in ETL- Deepak*
> ETL - Extract, Transform and Load
> Python used to customize ETL because of easy to read, write and execute
> structure
> Python ETL tools:
> 1.
> Petl - Example with converting 4x2 array to html
> 2.
> Pandas - has lot of implementations in which etl with transformations,
> conditional
> Example - load the data from file , find duplicates and send it to another
> file
> 1.
> Mara - Light weight , web based ui(special feature)
> 2.
> Apache Airflow- created by Airbnb, DAG(Directed Acyclic Graphs)
> 3.
> Pyspark - Big Data tool, Data streaming , ML on top of streaming
> 4.
> Bonobo - Supports Parallel processing
> 5.
> Luigi - Created by spotify, for enterprise level solution (more
> incoming data every minute)
> 6.
> AVIK Cloud - Not open source. Python can be implemented directly. Its
> a software as a service product
> Doubts :
> Ashok: Can you explain me pipeline
> Deepak: For enterprise level activity i have multiple operations in
> parallel so pipelines are created.
> *Introduction to Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)- Ashok*
> Also called frame check sequence
> Types of Errors -
> 1.
> Single Bit error
> 2.
> Burst error
> Error detection in Computer Network errors- Add Redundancy bits
> 1.
> A basic example - to transmit 1000 bits from CP1 to CP2 + 125
> redundancy bit
> 2.
> State Machine
> 3.
> 2 dimensional Parity Check - for 32 bit extra 13 bits are send
> 4.
> Checksum - Binary Addition
> 5.
> CRC - most common used in digital systems
> i) State machine
> ii) CRC computation -XOR in Polynomial Division
> iii) Code walk through
> Conclusion - we may get a CRC error if we open the harddrive.
> *Open Slot:*
> Ashok - Documentary suggestion - Prediction by the numbers, The Code both
> are available in Netflix
> Rengaraj - Pycon İndia 2020
> Pradeep -Mit Opencourseware https://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm
> Vijay Ravider - python modules used in infrastructure based provisioning
> services
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