[Chennaipy] Usage of online learning system

Abhishek Yadav zerothabhishek at gmail.com
Tue May 19 08:19:15 EDT 2020

Good work Aditya, and thanks for telling us all.

On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 2:07 PM aditya palaparthy <
aditya94palaparthy at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I hope you and your loved ones are safe and doing well.
> Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, a lot of teachers/professors are finding
> ways to reach out to their students using online learning methodologies.
> Our team at FOSSEE <https://fossee.in/> (*Free/Libre and Open Source
> Software for Education*), IIT Bombay has created Yaksh
> <https://github.com/FOSSEE/online_test>, a Free & Open Source, Learning
> Management System with automated grading evaluation for administering exams
> and programming challenges.
> Yaksh allows teachers to create and administer multimedia-rich courses,
> manage students, assignments, exams, and grading all in one place. It is
> web-based and hosted online which means that users can access courses from
> anywhere.
> It has been successfully used by a number of Professors at IIT, Bombay to
> administer their own courses to a couple of hundred students every year. It
> is also used internally by our team to conduct remote training programs,
> workshops and exams as well as to set up standalone programming challenges
> for hackathons and recruitment processes
> Yaksh has been built with Python and Django on the backend and HTML, CSS
> (Bootstrap), and JQuery on the frontend. The platform is completely free
> and the code is Open Sourced on Github
> <https://github.com/FOSSEE/online_test>.
> You can try out the project at https://yaksh-demo.fossee.in/exam/login/.
> In case of any queries (deployment, support, technical) please contact us
> at pythonsupport at fossee.in
> For more information on FOSSEE and it's various initiatives, please visit
> https://fossee.in
> --
> Regards
> Aditya P
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