[Chennaipy] Meeting Minutes 26th June 2021
Pradeep Padmanaban
pradeeppadmanaban7 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 26 06:52:29 EDT 2021
Exploring Locust:
Rengaraj, Uses Python for Automation testing
Locust Very useful for automation performance testing
Runs basic Flask serves to test it using Locust clients
We can test user login test using selenium but locust is for performance
With Locust we can create targeted number of user and request per user also
Direction to generate requests - from UI(8089 local port) -> user rate +
spawn user rate per second
>From UI you download reports for failure requests
Interactive Mobile App Development
Cause : Want to learn Bluetooth low energy. Api available in Android. But
I(Vijay) just wants to learn so, instead of going for dev deploy line he
goes for Kivy , Plyer Jyputer Notebook , PythonHere Python Libraries
Pythonhere Demo:
Code is executed in jupyter notebook are reflected to app in Android Phone
This Accelerates Code testing
A bot to Translate and Gdoc Tweeted images
Selva Prakash , Working this as a side-project
Cause : If Gov tweets many doc in Local languages. Other states or people
who do not understand the language find difficult to understand
Solution : Twitter bot + Google Cloud APIs+ Python App to display output
Twitter Bot - Program that can scan twitter feeds using Twitter APIs like
a user would.
Problem Faced: Google Api Very confusing , OAuth Mechanisms , Twitter new
version seems theatrical (no endpoint)
Next Steps: Convert Version support one image per tweet
Announcement :-
PyCon India Poster CFP is closing on 27th June. https://in.pycon.org/2021/
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