[Chennaipy] August Meetup Minutes

Rengaraj D sakthirengaraj at gmail.com
Mon Aug 26 10:21:56 EDT 2024

*## Meeting Minutes*

The August edition of meetup started exactly at 3:00 PM on 24th August
We had around 11 people.

We started with a small introduction of people.
Vijay gave an intro about meetup and what to expect.

*## First talk*
*Vijaykumar gave a talk on Using RPi camera for test automation.*

1. He talked about heads up displays and infotainment systems having GUI.
2. Drawbacks in using android screen capture to test the GUI.
3. Drawbacks using HDMI frame grabber, it was an expensive solution.
4. Instead I explained how to use the opencv python library and capture
using RPI camera.
5. He used ArCo markers to capture the exact dimension of the display and
then later fixed the alignment or angle of the picture.

It was intriguing talk on how python is used as a Glue language for
Automotive domain Automation testing.

Thanks Vijaykumar for a thought provoking talk.

*## There is no second talk*

*## Open floor for discussion*
There was a question on Why there is no support for Python2 why they
stopped ?
There was talk about upcoming TOSConference, Sakhil asked for
collaboration unfortunately they date 21st september collide with PyCon
India 2024.
We told them to use a chennaipy mailing list to spread the word about the

BTW we are planning for a In person meetup next month.
Hope this comes true.

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