<div dir="ltr"><font face="monospace"># Minutes of meeting<br><br>This month we planned late for a physical meetup.<br>We weren't able to communicate earlier. <br>We sent a notification on Thursday.<br><br>We had around 6 people come to the venue and 6 people attended online.<br>Fortunately Zilogic Systems gave us the internet to broadcast online too.<br><br>During the meeting we decided to share a jitsi meetup link.<br>Sorry folks who missed due to last minute change.</font><div><font face="monospace"><br></font></div><div><font face="monospace">No of attendees 12.</font></div><div><font face="monospace"><br>## Time complexity I faced while writing a function<br><br>Speaker: Rengaraj<br><br>Rengaraj went through the problem statement.<br>* He created a network_subnet.csv with `"99.180",NW_99_180`.<br>* `load_dir` created a dictionary with `key:subnet, value:foldername`.<br>* `get_dir` he passed the ip and got the folder name for that ip using the above dict.<br>* `process_log` this function reads a log line by line and moves that line to.<br>corresponding folders of the subnet if the ip address in the line matches the subnet.<br>* `process_acces_log.py` took .445 secs.<br><br>* He used another network_subnet2.csv with `"<a href=""></a>",NW_99_180`<br>* `get_dir` he passed the ip and get the folder name for that ip using <br>a for loop through each line in the above file and if ip_address(ip) in ip_network(subnet)<br>* The advantage of using complete CIDR format is there is no need for any exception if there is a new<br>network of ip let say `/24, /19"`. In the previous example the function supports only `/16`<br>* `process_log` this function read a log line by line and move that line to<br>corresponding folders of the subnet if the ip address in the line matches the subnet<br>* `process_acces_log_v2.py` took 40 secs<br>* This is because the no of lines in the csv file is 937 the for loop has to loop through 937<br>times if the given ip doesn't present in the file and also for duplicate ip it was again loop through the same amount of times till it find the match.<br><br>* Gokul from the audience suggested using one more dict to add the value if the given ip was already visited.<br>* This reduces the time to 9 secs from 40 secs<br>* Selvi was pointing out some space complexity that she will discuss during her dictionary talk<br><br>## From Local to Cloud, Deploying Your Django App with Kubernetes<br><br>Speaker: Achanandhi<br><br>* He told some intro why kubernetes and how it is useful<br>* He also gave some intro to Django <br>* Then he jumped to showing his todo app, since this talk is about deployment <br>he skipped explaining the code, instead he shown the folder structure<br>* First he show docker config file and how he added dependency there<br>* From a base image he built a docker image and pushed to docker hub<br>* Now he showed an already deployed todo list app through public ip<br>* He modified the todo list app to show how to deploy the new change.<br>* He showed a kubernetes config file and he configured the docker hub path and new image version, app version.<br>* Later he deployed the kubernetes pod in to digital ocean <br>* He shown us load balancer ip and pod ip<br><br>## Internals of Dictionary<br><br>Speaker: Thangaselvi<br><br>Selvi pointed out we exceeded the time since i.e 5:00 PM  <br>She told she wants to give this talk next month.<br>Due to time constraints we stopped the meetup.<br><br>## Networking tea<br>We had a tea break arranged by zilogic Systems.<br>People who came in person had a snack time and discussion and then we left.<br><br>## Credits<br>Thanks Zilogic Systems Admin team for the venue and sponsoring the tea and samosa.<br>Thanks to all the speakers and audience.</font><br><div><font face="monospace"><br></font></div><div><font face="monospace">Regards</font></div><div><font face="monospace">Rengaraj</font></div></div></div>