[Chicago] Can you write Perl in Python?

Martin Maney maney at two14.net
Wed Dec 28 17:49:31 CET 2005

On Wed, Dec 28, 2005 at 10:18:03AM -0600, Brant Harris wrote:
> On 12/27/05, Robert Kapteyn <robk at tallchicago.org> wrote:
> > I would suggest that you could greatly increase your compression
> > efficiency if the output was encoded in 16-bit unicode characters
> >
> > Would that be cheating ?
> Nope, anything seems to go, as long as you don't use a webservice or nothin'.

That proves not to be the case, Effendi.  The cheats that import the
test framework (I think that's what the ones that came in at 3x bytes
said they did) have been banished to the "some clever cheat" section,
apparently out of the running.  So far the smallest working, valid
entry is 120 bytes.  I got down to 138 bytes of disgusting looking
code, and doubt that approach can go any further.

Then I can figure out what the information-support needs are and
build a prototype for people to respond to.  This works, because
people generally don't know what they need, but they can tell you
with certainty when you get it wrong.  -- Paul Murphy

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