[Chicago] [Fwd: Any ChiPy plans for PyCon 2008?]

Brian Dennis crossjam at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 22:35:50 CET 2006

On 12/6/06, Ted Pollari <tcp at uchicago.edu> wrote:

> So, looking at the CS faculty:
> Brian M. Dennis is a prof there and seems to like scripting languages
> and claims to know Python (he's taught a few courses with it):
> http://costarica.cs.northwestern.edu/bmd/
> I'd say he's a place to start, if you're so inclined.

That would be me.However, I've relocated to the East coast and only
have a tangential affiliation with Northwestern. If exploring NU
becomes a serious possibility, I can make some introductions. The
tricky bits are scheduling around NU's classes since you won't be able
to get enough (any?) rooms during a weekday with classes, and finding
an on-campus champion for whom the conference would be a win. That
said, there's a decent kernel of Python folks in the Northwestern

P.S. I've also publised a few research papers where Python is the key
implementation language. After 5 years of Python hacking, and 3 copies
of Python Essential Reference I know Python.

Except for the metaclasses bit. Still trying to wrap my head around that stuff.

Brian M. Dennis,
Independent New Media Researcher
Adjunct Professor, EECS Department, Northwestern University
188 Spencer Terrace, Leesburg, VA 20175
e: bmd at crossjam.net, m: 312-213-3943

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