[Chicago] Python for teens.

Atul Varma varmaa at gmail.com
Thu Dec 7 18:53:28 CET 2006

That's awesome!  Is it possible to do this with a store-bought XBox 360, or
does one have to become a registered developer with Microsoft and get a
special XBox development system?

I've been impressed with Microsoft's .NET APIs lately.  Although I don't
know much about XNA, just glancing at the source code makes it look much
easier than DirectX programming and more elegant than Pygame code.

- Atul

On 12/7/06, Chris McAvoy <chris.mcavoy at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a little bitty idea in my head, it goes like this:
> 1) A high school buys an Xbox 360.  The teens turn their heads, like
> "my high school just bought an Xbox 360?"
> 2) A class called "game programming" appears on schedules.
> 3) Kids start writing games with IronPython, that can run on the Xbox 360.
> 4) Peace spontaneously breaks out around the world, curiously driven
> by a gaming platform that boasts "better pixelated blood than
> Nintendo."
> This is going to happen.
> I blogged it.
> http://weblog.lonelylion.com/2006/12/07/python-for-the-xbox-360/
> Chris
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