[Chicago] Contract work...

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Tue Jan 10 01:07:15 CET 2006

We at Imaginary Landscape (http://imagescape.com) are looking for Python 
contractors, and hoping to find local people.  Some daytime availability 
is preferred.  Responsiveness is very important and highly valued. 
Obviously Python experience.  Webware/SQLObject/Paste/Zope Page Template 
experience a plus.  Things are pretty active, so I think we will have 
pretty regular work.  I don't know that we're looking to hire at the 
moment, but who knows?  If you can't do contracting but you could do 
employment, send your resume my way.  If a couple months from now your 
situation changes and you're looking for something, send your resume my 
way then, maybe there will be something at that point.

Imaginary Landscape is a small web development shop located on the 
Northside of Chicago.  Almost all of our in-house development is in 
Python.  Feel free to ask me any questions you might have, and I plan to 
also be at the next meeting.

Ian Bicking  /  ianb at colorstudy.com  /  http://blog.ianbicking.org

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