[Chicago] Chicago Python User Group: Thurs. July 13, 2006 7pm.

Jason R Huggins JRHuggins at thoughtworks.COM
Wed Jul 12 22:00:57 CEST 2006

Phil Robare wrote on 07/12/2006 02:23:55 PM:
> So bring on Perl 6.  What ideas have been brought into it that were 
> not thought of when Perl 5 came out?  Can we express them easily in 
> Python or is a new PEP needed? 

That's the best reason I've seen yet to have Perl 6 presented at ChiPy.  I 
currently am stumped on how to cleanly replicate the elegance of Ruby's 
blocks in Python. And I'm not alone in thinking about that... The general 
confusion in the Python community about Ruby's use of blocks has lead to 
lots of discussion, [a PEP][1] or [two][2], and some useful comments on 
[Why's blog][3].

[1]: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0340/
[2]: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0343/
[3]: http://redhanded.hobix.com/inspect/holyRedSnakes.html

> The only timeless language is Lisp 
> where any new idea get parentheses wrapped around it and the lispers 
> point and say "Look, it was in there all along."

Classic! I think you just earned yourself a spot on the [quote wall of 
fame][4]! :-)

[4]: http://lispers.org/

- Jason

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