[Chicago] Chicago Python User Group: Thurs. July 13, 2006 7pm.

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Thu Jul 13 01:24:55 CEST 2006

Chris McAvoy wrote:
> Eeep.  Now my presentation is going to be all anticipated.  This is
> seriously going to be a let down to anyone that's like "what can we
> take from Perl 6?"

In case you are wondering, Guido has already said that Python 3k will 
not have unicode operators, unlike Perl 6.  So we won't be able to say

   if a ≥ b:
       a = a ÷ x

And there's so many more interesting operators!  ⊂ (is subset of), and I 
think ≝ is really the same in meaning as the "is" operator.  And ⋙ 
("very much greater than") would be kind of fun.

I notice that Unicode also has Roman Numeral literals, so you can have 
unambiguous integers represented as such.

Oh, and can you embed MathML in Perl 6?  That would be extra awesome.

Oh, and ⚔ as an alias for "del".  And ⚓ for "const" (which we don't have 
in Python, but clearly should add).  And ✍ for pickle.dumps, ⌚ for 
time.time, ☹ for raise, ⚠ for warning.warn, ⚅ for random.random... we 
can't use it, but Perl should add ✝ as an alias for "bless"; there's 
probably other denominations that could be supported as well, but I'm 
not as familiar.  ± could be interesting as a non-deterministic prefix 
operator.  It's not really appropriate for Python, but Perl should 
really allow T:F؟C as an alternate spelling for C?T:F (does Perl have 
C?T:F?).  And of course when you want to say:

   print '<a onclick="alert('are you sure?')">'

You can't really say it as you'd like, because you have to quote the 
''s.  Which is why European-style quotes should also work:

   print «<a onclick="alert('are you sure?')">»

And I have no idea what ⁘ is for, but it seems like a cool operator. 
And of course Smalltalk-style assignment:

   x ← y

Which is really just a lead in to:

   x ⇜ y

Or maybe:

   x ↫ y

And I don't what either of those would mean, but clearly they should 
mean *something* in Perl 6.

Ian Bicking  |  ianb at colorstudy.com  |  http://blog.ianbicking.org

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