[Chicago] names (was Re: autoimp)
Robare, Phil
PRobare at chx.com
Thu Jul 20 23:07:17 CEST 2006
Ted Pollari on Thursday, July 20, 2006 3:19 PM Wrote:
> On Jul 20, 2006, at 2:58 PM, Jason R Huggins wrote:
> > Nope, but on an off-topic, but semi-related note... does anyone else
> > *hate* the name "cheeseshop" as much as I do?
> Clever as their namers may think themselves, names like those really
> don't further the cause of gaining respectability in many circles
> that are already suspicious/untrusting of the open source community
> and products produced therein, IMNTBHO (in my never to be humble
> opinion).
I don't think the stupidity of names is really a problem with their
gaining respectibility. The alliteration in "Ruby on Rails" is probably
more attractive than respectible. Did "Lisp" lose out to "Fortran" and
"Cobol" (all names of the same generation) because the name was sillier?
Certainly "C" as the successor to "B" was silly while "Pascal" was
respectible. That didn't stop "C" from triumphing, at least for a time.
While Monty's Python's Flying Circus seemed immortal comedy at the time
of Guido's naming of his new language it now seems dated and references
to their skits are more obscure than permissable. I still find charm in
it's insider-ness, and a link to a time when open source was an
impossible dream rather than an alternative development method for
commercial software.
So I don't want to change either Cheeseshop or Eggs. Now the Windows
python icons on the other hand...
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