[Chicago] Using globals across files

Brant Harris deadwisdom at gmail.com
Mon Mar 27 07:50:36 CEST 2006

Globals aren't exactly "globals" like you probably think of them. 
Really a global is just a module-level variable.  There is no
construct for a totally global variable.  But that's okay, because I
don't think you really want that.  What you probably want is a class
that will store that info.  But perhaps you just want something
quicker, or just easier.  In that case, declare and initiate to 0 the
variables "testsPassed" and "testsRun" in "tests.py", instead of in
MyTests.py.  Then after you "import tests", you can reference them as
"tests.testsPassed" and "tests.testsRun".  So to the imported module
the variables are "globals", but to the code that imports that module
(MyTests.py in this case) the variables are properties of the "tests"

On 3/26/06, Chris Cope <chris at copester.com> wrote:
> I'd like to set global varibles and use them across files, but can't
> find out how to do this (if it's possible). I'm using it for keeping
> track of unit tests, and believe a global is the right solution, rather
> than something like passing testsPassed and testsRun to Test(). Google
> doesnt return a solution, just other people with the same problem. Any
> ideas?
> I get the error "NameError: global name 'testsPassed' is not defined"
> when trying to increment it in tests.py. The code follows.
> Thanks,
> Chris
> # File tests.py
> import inspect
> def Test(cond):
>      global testsPassed
>      global testsRun
>      if cond:
>          testsPassed += 1
>      testsRun += 1
> # File MyTests.py
> global testsRun
> global testsPassed
> testsRun = 0
> testsPassed = 0
> import tests
> def runTest1():
>      x = 0
>      y = 0
>      tests.Test(x == y)
> runTest1()
> print "Summary:", testsPassed, "of", testsRun, "test(s) passed."
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