[Chicago] Need TurboGears presenter for Burlington LUG

Brian Ray bray at sent.com
Tue Nov 21 16:14:00 CET 2006

On Nov 20, 2006, at 10:42 PM, Mark Ramm wrote:

> ings get planned on a
> "just-in-time" basis, and I'd love to come and talk i

We have built a JIT compiler just for our meetings. Done 90% in  
Python.  Surprisingly, it sometimes even generates bite-code (AKA  
pizza). Its very maintainable except for the garbage collection  
module that consists of the other 10%, beer.  The beer-code is new  
language we developed in my garage. Its intentionally obfuscated so  
that we have something to do at our next sprint (job insurance). The  
Python code is very easy to read and contains not bugs (just new  
features). Somehow, somewhere, we end up all getting together and a  
meeting will be executed (or the presenter, in case they choose to  
present on something off topic, like my Beer-language, big nono, just  
Python, its ChiPy, doh).

My vote is you headline our next meeting, at DePaul, on Dec 14.

How does this sound?

Brian Ray

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