[Chicago] CIT, but not BuildBot

Brian Ray bray at sent.com
Tue Oct 3 17:33:22 CEST 2006

On Oct 3, 2006, at 10:12 AM, Chris McAvoy wrote:

> Hi Chippers,
> Anyone run across any "lightweight" continuous integration testing
> thingees other than BuildBot?  BB seems pretty hefty to set up.  If
> there's a lighter thing out there, I'd really prefer to not have to
> set up a whole BB juggernaut.

I have used and like CruiseControl <http:// 
cruisecontrol.sourceforge.net/>. Just because its JAVA'esk it can  
still do most things I want from ant scripts. Also, others have done  
some crazy stuff. I think Jason Huggins showed this as part of his  
selenium talk at Google last month. Although, I am unsure how it  
tangled in.

Brian Ray

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