[Chicago] Proposal for a talk this Thursday

Ted Pollari tcp at mac.com
Tue Apr 10 18:08:59 CEST 2007

On Apr 10, 2007, at 10:55 AM, Jono wrote:

> I'd like to make a talk at the ChiPy meeting this Thursday, if I can.
> If this list isn't the right place to suggest talks, could somebody  
> please tell me who to mail this to?

This is also the right list to talk about talks and to discuss  
discussing discussions related to Python, in Chicago (or nearby suburbs)

> I'd like to show off a prototype ZUI (zooming user interface) I'm  
> working on.  It's not (yet) a Humanized project, it's something I'm  
> monkeying up in my spare time.

I'm game.  +1 from me.


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