[Chicago] BARcamp - Chicago 2007

Jason Rexilius jason at hostedlabs.com
Mon Apr 23 20:10:47 CEST 2007

Hi Everyone!

   BARcamp - Chicago 2007 is in the planning stages now, shooting for 
June, and I wanted to reach out to everyone and give an update and ask 
for help.

   Last years BARcamp was a big success, thanks to most of you on the 
list here and all the people that showed up and contributed.  I have 
been getting pings from lots of people over the last few months about 
the next one and based on community feedback I am expecting it to be at 
least twice the size of last years.

   I picked up a few ideas from attending Yahoo's HackDay and a few 
other events.  Also, I believe Chicago's Web2.0 Beta Meetup for the 
month of June will happen at BARcamp.  Other user groups are welcome to 
hold meetings there (just not all at the same time) to get broader 
community involvement.  It may be a good place to have a beginners intro 
to your language as part of the meeting.

Where we are at:
The search for the venue is on!  This is the biggest hurdle.  Last year 
the community came through in a big way for everything else but we have 
to have a place to make it happen.

What We Need:

1) 5000+ sq/ft (last year was 2600ish I think?)..

2) 72 full hours access, Friday evening to Monday morning (last year I 
finished cleaning up at 06:30am Monday morning)

3) A shower would be great. AC is a must. NOTE: June should be cooler 
than last year ;-)

4) No serious noise constraints (last year was quiet enough but still 
would have disturbed sleeping neighbors)

5) Close-ish to downtown Chicago or L stop.

6) Internet access.. somehow..

What We Have:
1) Insurance

2) A reasonable budget to pay for the facility for the weekend

3) Equipment, sundries, volunteers and enthusiasm ;-)

What Can You Do:
Help in any form is welcome.

1) Help find a venue, send me names, phone numbers, addresses.. anything 
you can think of to help find a space.

2) Blog, post, link, forward the email, spread the word.  The wiki isn't 
live yet, but will be coming on-line shortly:


3) Sponsorship - just like last year, not asking for a lot, no set fees, 
no admission to attend so its all volunteer and sponsor driven.

4) Give a talk - we had some great presentations last year.  This year 
we may have a start-up competition and some more organized 

5) Show up!.. everyone is welcome if you are interested in technology 
and the community here in Chicago.

Well, thats it for now.  Feel free to email me or give me a call if you 
have any ideas, suggestions or questions!

jason at hostedlabs.com

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