[Chicago] Free Books, etc
pfein at pobox.com
Mon Aug 27 17:04:38 CEST 2007
I'm at the end of a major purge of material goods. I've got a boatload of
books to give away (actually, a laundry basket). Many of these are computer
related - language specific (lisp, C++, etc.), theory, machine archictecture,
etc.. If anyone would like these, or can suggest a good home before they go
to Powell's or the Salvation Army, please contact me off-list.
Sorry for the lack of detail, but I'm super-busy.
Peter Fein || 773-575-0694 || pfein at pobox.com
http://www.pobox.com/~pfein/ || PGP: 0xCCF6AE6B
irc: pfein at freenode.net || jabber: peter.fein at gmail.com
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