[Chicago] next meeting

sheila miguez shekay at pobox.com
Tue Feb 27 17:03:10 CET 2007

The next meeting is on 3/8 unless anyone objects.

Ideas for topics:

Suggest ideas!

How many people weren't at the conference and do those of you want to
hear about the conference from people who attended?

I am curious to know what happened during the sprints (and is still
happening) since I didn't stay for them.

Who hasn't seen an OLPC laptop? Ian has a development laptop.

I am still bugging Chris to take his console to the next meeting.

I would like to know how I can help for PyCon 2009 so if we can have
someone talk to us about that, yay.

Look at Ted! http://www.flickr.com/photos/sheila/404683777/in/photostream/

I have more pictures, but a lot were blurry due to me not setting the
camera to the shaky hand setting.

One of my favorite lightening talks was given by these guys from
Colorado who work on cognitive assistive software for people with
developmental disabilities. Holy cow! I think about stuff like that
all the time and would like to help make stuff like that.

http://del.icio.us/shekay/cognitive+prosthetics for example. Once I
kick the ass of my job to give me more time outside of work maybe some
of you would like to brainstorm on ideas for this?

morning coffee babble,


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