[Chicago] Yet another ORM for Python

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Tue Jul 10 21:00:52 CEST 2007

Brantley Harris wrote:
> That's the bit that's harsh: "we don't have a good method to apply
> changes to the database when you change your code".  If this could be
> solved, it would be another step towards decoupling the DBMS from the
> general development experience, something I would love, personally.

I would love it too, but I have come to believe it is more trouble than it is 
worth.   The only time I would use it is for upgrading a live system, and even 
then I am skeptical exactly how much I would trust such a tool.    given that 
there are 'lots' of "schema diff" tools that can generate a script of ALTER 
commands, which then I can look over, I don't see much need for my development 
environment to need it.

Here is how I deal with changes during development: DROP DATABASE.  see below 
for how easy it can be.

> It seems to me that a good step forward for the Django ORM would be to
> rebase itself on SQLAlchemy (which I thought was in development?)

It is, no clue how active, other than not dead yet.

Now from some blasphemy: I miss the level nuttiness that the VFP frameworks have 
hit.  the one I used had about 150 'attributes' that could be assigned to most 
things db related: the whole db, a table, a field in a view, a SP, etc.  Things 
like Data type, size, "Caption" default, (django has that, just relating) short 
caption, long caption, validation, FK Lookups that include what fields to 
display, additional fields to pull on selection, SQL fragments to use when the 
field is (not null, not empty) help text, help context ID.  There was enough 
that they ended up being stored in db tables - both the settings and 
descriptions/attribute names.  which meant the whole thing had a nifty UI. OTHO, 
much of that doesn't apply to a browser, unless you want to start doing web2.0 
stuff.   for now, I am ok with web 1.2

Carl K

#!/usr/bin/env python
# mkdbuser.py
# prints the CREATE DATABASE and GRANT commands based on the local settings.py
# ./mkdbuser.py | mysql -u root -p

# nifty trick to get ../settings
import os, sys
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'settings'
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
sys.path.insert(0, apppath )
import settings

SQL = """
     ON %(db)s.*
     TO %(user)s
     IDENTIFIED BY '%(pw)s'
     with grant option;


print SQL % {
     'pw':settings.DATABASE_PASSWORD }

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