[Chicago] [PSF-Members] PyCon 2007 profit/loss statement (fwd)

Ted Pollari tcp at mac.com
Sun Jun 10 06:25:49 CEST 2007

On Jun 9, 2007, at 7:55 PM, skip at pobox.com wrote:

> Passing this along for the folks here who are working on PyCon '08.
> Skip

Thanks -- saw it and was happy to see such a balance, as PyCon  
actually aims to run at a small loss every year, since the PSF sees  
it as a worth while place to put budgeted funds... so yeah, the  
profit speaks to the growth of attendance and the excellent work of  
people like our own Carl Karsten who, for example, saved thousands  
for PyCon by finding cheaper options for the A/V equipment needs...


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