[Chicago] seeking a home for PyCon equipment

Chris McAvoy chris.mcavoy at gmail.com
Fri Mar 2 00:01:28 CET 2007

Hi David,

On 3/1/07, David Goodger <goodger at python.org> wrote:
> Hi ChiPy folks,
> We're packing up the last of the network equipment & power strips now.
> Is there anyone with some space (in a basement or garage), who is
> guaranteed to be there for PyCon next year? Alternatively, could
> someone arrange for a self-storage place? The PSF will be happy to
> reimburse. There's a month left on the local storage facility, so we'd
> like to ship the equipment by the end of March.

I don't have room (small condo) but can arrange for a self-storage
space if a basement doesn't present itself.  I have a car too, so I
can move stuff around (in theory, it's a small car).

If no one else steps up, shoot me an email and I'll work it through.


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