[Chicago] equipment in storage

David Goodger goodger at python.org
Fri Mar 9 23:16:30 CET 2007

ChiPy's, meet the Dallas/Fort Worth Pythoneers.  DFW, meet Chicago.
Many of you probably met each other at PyCon.  With this email, I thee
bring up to date.

I asked the Chicago crowd about space:

On 3/1/07, David Goodger <goodger at python.org> wrote:
> Hi ChiPy folks,
> We're packing up the last of the network equipment & power strips
> now.  Is there anyone with some space (in a basement or garage), who
> is guaranteed to be there for PyCon next year? Alternatively, could
> someone arrange for a self-storage place? The PSF will be happy to
> reimburse. There's a month left on the local storage facility, so
> we'd like to ship the equipment by the end of March.
> Please let me or Jeff Rush know (jeff at taupro.com or
> pycon at python.org). Thanks.

On 3/1/07, Carl Karsten <carl at personnelware.com> wrote:
> I have a basement with an small doored room that could be dedicated
> to pycon stuff.
> How big is the current storage, and how much is used?

On 3/2/07, skip at pobox.com <skip at pobox.com> wrote:
> I have basement and attic space available.  I'm in Evanston, and am
> not going anywhere.  How much stuff do you have?

It sounds like there's space in people's basements around Chicago for
this if necessary.  Although the boxes would probably fit in one or
both basements, there's a lot of weight to be carried up and down
stairs (and significant others to appease...).  I think it would be
better to rent a small self-storage space near the hotel and deliver
the boxes there.  PyCon/PSF will reimburse the shipping & storage

Then I asked the Dallas folks about the volume:

On 3/5/07, David Goodger <goodger at python.org> wrote:
> I need to let the Chicago folks know how much stuff we have in
> storage. Does anybody have good numbers? Was it about 20 boxes plus
> the large power strips?
> Did everything make it to the local storage place OK? How big is our
> shed/room, and how much is in it (% full)?

On 3/5/07, Brad Allen <brad at allendev.com> wrote:
> We did load the storage room, and there is plenty of space left.
> I don't remember the size of the room; it is probably written in the
> contract that Andrew signed.
> I didn't count the boxes, but seem to recall that we loaded about
> 10-15 boxes plus all the long power strips (40 counted before PyCon,
> not sure if we still have that many).
> The large power strips still need to be packaged. They are 49" in
> length, which could be an issue if the palettes are going to be 48".

On 3/7/07, J. Jentink <jjentink at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Everthing is in the storage unit. I am not sure of the size but I
> guess about 4 by 6 feet and it is mostly empty -- boxes on one side
> stacked about 3 high and the power stips on some cardboard on the
> floor on the other side. This left a huge walkway down the center --
> so all boxed up everything should stack to an area of 5 x 2 x 5 feet
> (LWH).
> I think we have about a dozen boxes. None of them were really huge
> box but some with power cords and stuff are heavy.
> If all the power strips are present and accounted for, they will
> weigh in at about 150 lbs. This is based on weighing 4 strips and
> multiplying by 10 -- we originally had 40. They are 49 inches long
> and are not yet boxed up.
> Brad and Mary were also there when we put the stuff and and I hope
> they will correct my above guesses. One of our local Python sprint
> Saturdays is this weekend and we will be discussing when and how to
> get this stuff forwarded. Do you have a mailing address in Chicago?
> Is it a business or residence ... some shipping options have not
> support a home address.

It sounds like there's about a medium pallet's worth of stuff.  The
power strips need to be packaged somehow.

Chicago: please decide on a location for the equipment, and reply with
the name, address, hours, phone number, etc. of the destination.  I
recommend renting a self-storage space.  If they can receive the boxes
for you, even better (it may cost a bit more, but the convenience is
worth it).  Someone please step forward to coordinate the Chicago end.

Dallas: please arrange to have the power strips packaged somehow and
the boxes picked up & shipped by ground (i.e. cheaply).  Someone
mentioned palletizing; could you look into that as well?  Who will
coordinate the Dallas end?

Thanks all!

David Goodger <http://python.net/~goodger>

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