[Chicago] [PyCON-Organizers] PyCon 2008 Hotel Update -- (Networking & Space & a 2009 option)

David Goodger goodger at python.org
Mon Mar 19 15:55:09 CET 2007

On 3/15/07, Ted Pollari <tcp at mac.com> wrote:
> There was a walk through of the hotel yesterday,

Thanks for this!

> ==========
> 2009 Option:
> ==========
> We have a contract in hand for 2009 as well.  The only difference
> being that they want $105 per room night.  That's not out of line
> according to Larry and not unreasonable in my opinion.

A reasonable increase.

> We don't have to act on it now and we will have the right of first
> refusal, so they won't sell it out from under us without giving us
> the chance to sign.

That's a good option.  I wasn't looking forward to doing this again
for 2009 over the next few months.

> Having this is an excellent bargaining chip for IT, Catering, and
> A/V negotiations but I think we'd be best off holding off on signing
> it until we've negotiated the catering and IT issues


> and explored other options for other venues, such as something on
> the west coast.  I spoke with Larry about this issue this morning
> and he's willing to work with us on finding west coast options (or
> anywhere else that the group would like).

There's that old saying: "a bird in hand is worth two in the bush".  I
would have no problem having PyCon in Chicago for two years.  In fact,
I would be quite happy doing that.

Even with CTE's help, if we look for a west coast option (or anywhere
else), it's clear to me that we need a local group for the conference
to be successful.  The Dallas / Fort Worth Pythoneers helped out a lot
with 2006/2007, probably more than we'll ever know.  You in Chicago
are beginning to realize how much there is to do -- and how much fun
it will be!  But an enthusiastic local *team* is incredibly important.

> I'll post pictures shortly.  Another email to follow.

The pictures & floor plan were very helpful, thanks!

David Goodger <http://python.net/~goodger>

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