[Chicago] Suggestions for things to see in Chicago

Michael Weigend mw at media-objects.de
Thu May 24 17:41:31 CEST 2007

Thank you, Atul, for your suggestions for things to see in Chicago.
I am a German Pythonist stopping by in Chicago (30.6. - 2.7.) on my way from 
a conference in Boston to some friends in Cincinnati, profiting from your 
knowledge about Chicago ...


Michael Weigend
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Institut für Didaktik der Mathematik und der Informatik
Büro: Fliednerstrasse 21, Raum 2,407 Fl
48149 Münster
Telefon: +49 251 83-31390
Fax: +49 251 83-39369
E-Mail: michael.weigend at uni-muenster.de

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