[Chicago] Full time Python Developer positions

David Rock david at graniteweb.com
Wed Oct 10 23:42:32 CEST 2007

* Pete <pfein at pobox.com> [2007-10-10 16:21]:
> On Wednesday October 10 2007 3:11:32 pm Emily Bremer wrote:
> > position, and 10+ years of Python experience for a senior level
> > position. Salary range is $80-100k+.
> So 10 years ago would be what, Python 1.4? [0]  How many of us even knew the 
> language existed that long ago, let alone wrote anything more than 
> overglorified shell scripts? [1]
> Point being, if you *really* want someone with that much experience, you're 
> severely limiting your applicant pool and it's going to cost way more than 
> $100K for a person who doesn't suck.
> This ain't Java, folks.
> --Pete
> [0] http://docs.python.org/api/node87.html
> [1] Besides Skip?

Yeah, I'll jump on this bandwagon, too.  I happen to be one of those
people that was using Python 10 years ago, but it was just an accident.

I find statements like that just ignorant and make it obvious that
either the people or the company don't really understand what they are
asking for.

David Rock
david at graniteweb.com

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