[Chicago] April Meeting

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Wed Apr 9 09:20:12 CEST 2008

Brian Ray wrote:
> On Apr 8, 2008, at 6:58 PM, sheila miguez wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 6:26 PM, Brian Ray <bray at sent.com> wrote:
>>> On Apr 8, 2008, at 4:51 PM, sheila miguez wrote:
>>>> Let's record the show.
>>>> We have a projector. Do we have a camera and mic?
>>> I plan on recording the meeting again.
>> Is that a yes for a camera and for a mic?
> Unless something comes up, yes.
> There is a mic build into the camera. Its not professional PyCon level  
> equipment but its HD. Also, I am not a professional videographer.   
> Nonetheless, I do not mind recording the meetings and posting them on  
> the internet.

I have a few (8 I think) DV tapes that have 2 or 3 pycon tutorials recorded in
HD, but I don't have any way to get it to disk.  If I give you tapes and an
external drive, you mind dumping them for me?

8 tapes is 8 hours, which is annoying, even if you just do one per night. (at
least it is doable.  at one point I was looking at 70 hours.  yay for donated
camera time, macs and people to shuffle tapes.)   So if anyone else has an HD
camera and wants to do a few, splitting up the job would be nice.

Carl K

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