[Chicago] OT Dedicate Server

Tom Printy tprinty at mail.edisonave.net
Fri Apr 11 04:03:03 CEST 2008

Have you looked at Serverbeach.com  I have recommended this  hosting
provider to many and have never heard peep 1 about a problem.


On Thu, 2008-04-10 at 19:49 -0500, Brian Ray wrote:
> Sorry if this is off topic. I recall others on this list who have  
> helped me immensely with these issues in the past.
> I am looking for a dedicated server provider who is SAS-70 to host a  
> some new commercial Python apps. My budget is 100-300/month.  I am not  
> moving my current hosting at RIMU, but this is an addition.
> I have used Rackspace. It sounds like they are not in my price range  
> for SAS-70.  I just now found Server Path, looks like they may work.  
> Typically, I do not really need much *manage* services because I do  
> most of this myself.
> I am planning on a Django / Apache2 / mod_python / Python2.5 /  
> PostgreSQL / RedHat ES application. It also has some custom Python  
> modules that where we SWIG some C++ code.   We write most our code on  
> Mac OSX or Windows. Administratively, we sometime use Webmin, but  
> mostly just SSH for configuration changes, deployment, and upgrades.
> Its been a while (3 years or so) since I have been in a need for a new  
> dedicated server. Does anyone have any recommendations on hosting or  
> my configuration changes? I want to focus on security and a data  
> center where my clients will feel comfortable with on paper.  One area  
> where I am on the fence, besides the data center, is the choice of OS.  
> I do not really use any RedHat specific features. Is there any reason  
> I should not move to FreeBSD or CentOS?
> Brian Ray
> bray at sent.com
> http://kazavoo.com/blog
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