[Chicago] appengine

Massimo Di Pierro mdipierro at cs.depaul.edu
Wed Apr 23 07:01:54 CEST 2008

Does anybody know how the appengine escapes strings in gqlquery?

For example this is
q = GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Song WHERE title= :1", "Imagine")
the same as
q = GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Song WHERE title = 'Imagine'")

Is this the same as
q = GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Song WHERE title= :1", "Ima'gine")
q = GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Song WHERE title = 'Ima''gine'")

How are quotes escaped? What about other ascii charcaters?
Please, please... I know the :1 API are better and the query API are  
even better but I need to know this.

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