[Chicago] ChiPy Announcement *only* list

Martin Maney maney at two14.net
Wed Aug 27 00:59:22 CEST 2008

On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 02:11:01PM -0500, Carl Karsten wrote:
> The fact that the initial version was '"real"' should show that it is 
> optimal.

Oh, heck no.  Anything written - English or Python - can be improved by
revising.  This reply has already improved considerably from the one I
quikly imagined when I first read your words earlier - luckily, I had
little time just then, and set it aside for later.

> I don't see how dumbing it down makes it more informative.

I think you have it backwards.  '"real"' was for an audience assumed to
be (in part) too dense to understand (without that baseball bat to the
head) that I meant something other than the literal meaning of the
words (viz., the internet).  Surely this list doesn't require such
heavyhanded measures, so removing the scare quotes was clearly an

C++ is the grandmother of invention.

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