[Chicago] need room

Pete pfein at pobox.com
Fri Aug 29 22:26:55 CEST 2008

On Aug 29, 2008, at 1:52 PM, Christopher Allan Webber wrote:
> Also, what about presenters?  I'm pondering talking about the OpenMoko
> phone (a totally awesome Linux phone) and how to write python apps for
> phone calls, make SMS messages, using the integrated GPS, etc through
> the python D-Bus interface.  I'm not 100% sure I'll be ready for that
> though.. I might want to delay that a month... I've only been playing
> with it for a couple of days so far, but thus far it's really  
> exciting.
> Would there be interest in this topic?

Sounds cool.

I'd like to give a short talk ( 15 minutes ish, w/ questions) on why  
Chicago is so much better than NYC, with an emphasis on what Chipy  
does right that NYC Python UG doesn't.

If that's not geeky enough, I could talk about Factory, a better  

class Factory(object):
     """Flexible function argument binding.

     Factory is a better U{partial<http://docs.python.org/whatsnew/pep-309.html 
     U{See also<http://docs.python.org/lib/module-functools.html>}
     Users of older Pythons may know this pattern as currying: add2 =  
lambda x: x + 2

     This class improves on partial in several ways:
      - safer, as invalid arguments are detected immediately, instead  
of call time
      - intelligent support for classes, instance methods & all other  
      - bound arguments can be inspected as attributes
      - several convenient methods for (re)binding arguments
      - pickleable

Or if we're short on speakers, I could do both.  Or neither.   
Whatever. ;-)


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