[Chicago] Django at The Onion

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Tue Feb 5 06:03:51 CET 2008

> I like Django enough to be on my second full-time job working with it;
> I first moved from New York to work at the Lawrence Journal-World in
> Kansas (yes, I liked it *that much*), and I'm now with The Onion here
> in Chicago.  In almost every case, Django's design decisions "fit my
> brain" in the same fashion as Python itself.

Oh, we so need to get 1200 copies of The Onion delivered to PyCon.  stuff it in 
all the bags.  (the bag stuffers will love me.)

Can you make that happen?

Can you get a news crew to cover PyCon?

Does Onion actually have crews?  (I kinda doubt it, but it seems like an 
undefined variable.)

Carl K

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